Brisas Foundation

For Grupo Brisas and the Cosio family, the Foundation is a real commitment, one that is touching lives and we are going for more. This year we were able to consolidate actions that we started in our first year of activities and that gave us the guidelines to find the path we want to follow with each one of them. Our social commitment has been strengthened and the Foundation is opening the doors to us to associate with other civil associations with which we share dreams and plans that reflect a better quality of life to those that we serve through our mission.

Thanks to all those who with their work, money, time and moral support have accompanied us this year. I am sure that our Foundation will increasingly perform better in the communities it supports and will continue to seek to improve the quality of life for all those who benefit from our actions.

Thank you!

Antonio Cosío
Honorary president
Brisas Foundation


  • Improve the quality of life of our people.
  • Encourage education in values and integration into the family.
  • Promote family well-being, health and care for the environment.
  • Offer opportunities for improvement.
  • Make our employees and their families happy.
  • Assistance in the event of natural disasters or accidents.

Philosophy and Values

  • Promote the integration of the Company with the families of our employees = More pride and sense of belonging.

  • Promote the integration of the Company with the families of our employees based on human values.


  • Bring love and happiness to our Brisas families through actions that strengthen human values and a culture of integration.


  • Work with passion and love for our families Brisas to share with them resources that give them well-being and raise their human dignity, thus contributing to their happiness.


  • Responsibility and passion at work.
  • Love for those I serve.
  • Share.
  • Respect for the dignity of the person.
  • Integration.

Annual report of activities from Fundación Brisas, A.C.:

2013-20142015201620172018 - 2019 - 2020 - 2021 - 2022 - 2023

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